Monthly Archives: November 2014

Winter Activities

A week ago we had our proper first snow. There was maybe 10 cms of it, enough for creating chaos in the traffic and for all the small pilgrims to wander off  to the closest hill in the neighbourhood with their toboggans. We slid down the hill, ran up, rolled around and laughed in the […]


Gardenia is a lovely green indoor oasis on the university campus in Viikki, a bit like the winter gardens. We went to Gardenia on Sunday 23rd November due to the Christmas sales they had. Our children had fun running on paths between the plants and watching the fish, the Christmas sales was a bit of […]

Spread the Joy

Christmas to me is about the smells of gingerbread and mulled wine, good food, joy, kids excitement and being together. It is also about gifts, about receiving and giving. It is a good time to remember that not everyone is fortunate and if we have the resources, time or money, we can create a bit […]

Winter Windows

I thought our winter lanterns needed a snowy background, so wheny son was sick we “painted” with toothpaste and cotton: The photos of the window don’t turn out well but maybe the idea can be seen anyway? The toothpaste comes off easily just with a wet cloth. Today, two days after we “painted” the snow […]

DYI Indoor Snow Lanterns

Making three of these snow lanterns took me 15 minutes, old yarn, glad wrap, a paper cone and normal crafts glue. When we did them with my the children, it took “a bit” longer, and we also decorated them with silver string and lila stars. The younger one (3) was quite tired when we did […]

On Call for Children and Youth

Odin, 13, committed suicide in Oslo because nobody stopped him from being bullied. His mum tried everything but it wasn’t enough. Now Odin’s mum is calling everyone to be responsible, she asks you not to be a quiet by-stander but to act. She asks if you have talked to your children about what bullying is, […]

Before Christmas

We were supposed to have our first Pre-Christmas party tomorrow on Saturday! I was thinking “yay, wow, oh no, already…?!!!”… and then my child got fever. I am not very optimistic about rescheduling as the weekends before Christmas tends to be fully booked with all the “Little Christmases” (pikkujoulut/ lilla jul) celebrated before the actual […]

Easy Fabric Printing

Jean has a great idea on how even toddlers can make cool looking prints e.g. on t-shirts: take a look at her blog the Artful Parent here I want to try this technique!

Bus Adventure

Entertainment just doesn’t always have to cost much when it comes to a 3 yo: big sis is going to travel “long distance” (=about 2 hours) for the first time only with her aunt on the weekend. Little brother got very disappointed because he wants to have his bus adventure too. So the best aunt […]

Guide to Free Toilets and Baby Changing Rooms in Helsinki

Unfortunately Helsinki is not the greatest place when you need to go, probably the reason for this post coming up in searches fairly often. So here is my updated list of relief for tourists and other uninvited. 1. Maybe a bit unorthodox to say this overall but even more so to start with this… but the […]


Crochet, Cats, and Crafts...oh and Food too!

Reetta K.

Arki // pohdinta // ruoka // jaksaminen ja hyvinvointi // perhe

Healthy Living with Exuberance!

Learn how to be healthy in all aspects of life!

Thrifty Campers

Nature Knows No Such Barriers