Cardboard Cottage

For the first of May celebrations my husband cut and taped a little cottage for the kids to play in while adults where tending the barbecue. It is big enough for our kids to walk through the door. Taking water colours and brushes out where a huge hit too, and kept the kids busy.

We didn’t expect this cottage to outlive the celebrations but it did. It has been repainted a few times, and it always has been a huge success when we’ve had kids visiting us.


We’ve done similar stuff with cardboard boxes before: there has been a kiosk, a slide and a car.


  1. Your hubby is so amazing and creative! I like all the cardboard boxes craft that he did previously too. I would have played for hours if I were a kid. No kids will resist this 🙂

    1. Yes, he has a playful mind and is pretty handy too, a good combination for kids☺.

  2. The cottage looks adorable! Love the chimney. 🙂

    1. Fun for everyone ☺

  3. These activities are always fun and educational for the kids.

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Crochet, Cats, and Crafts...oh and Food too!

Reetta K.

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