Cardboard Kiosk

My husband cut the kids a kiosk out of a cardboard box, which has been the source of many fun games lately even though it was lots smaller than the cottage and the slide that he made them earlier.




  1. […] done similar stuff with cardboard boxes before: there has been a kiosk, a slide and a […]

  2. Wow!! This looks really nice…just like one I remember seeing in the movie One Fine Day!! And this one is made just with cardboard!! 🙂

    1. Haven’t seen the movie, I may have to look it up now! 🙂

  3. Your hubby is very creative!

    1. He is!!! Skilled too! (and I am not at all biased)

      1. No, no, not at all! 🙂

  4. Very creative! I’m actually thinking of changing back to my old supermarket because I tried a new delivery service last time and they don’t use recycled cardboard boxes to pack things like the old one. We’ve never done anything as good looking as your kiosk and cottage, though!

    1. My husband is a bit of a perfectionist when he does something, always measures everything and uses the best tools. I just cut and go with the approximate 😉

  5. I love cardboard boxes!! Such great fun! My son and I still make lots of things, and while they aren’t being make into spaceships and houses anymore, it’s still good times!

    I just love this picture!

    1. What kind of things does a teenage boy still enjoy playing? My cousins son is about to visit us ;). He has been very good with entertaining the younger ones though, but good suggestions, fun for all, are obviously welcome!

      1. Mr. T will sit and play cards and several board games, and he like outside things still, Frisbee, kites, etc. Not near as easy to entertain him now!

        1. Many games are pretty good for many ages!

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