Handprints on Briefs

wpid-20141221_095752.jpgI wish you all a Merry Christmas with the present we made for Dad: he has been mostly away this December, so we made him presents that will enable him to keep us close (haha). Using handprints are easy and fun, we’ve done quite a few with them in the past.

This time my daughter wanted to make a butterfly and my son wanted to make something Christmas-y, so of course we googled and ended up with Rudolph.

Of course, the handprints don’t have to be printed on briefs and it is the same paint we’ve used on fabric before: after it has dried it needs to be ironed on through a paper towel to make the paint stick.


  1. Great idea! With little hand prints, it’s much more meaningful 🙂

  2. These made me smile!! Great idea, hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

    1. I did, thank you. Hope you had a good one too!

  3. Merry Christmas! Ha – check out the butterfly one 🙂

  4. Merry Christmas to you too!! 🙂

    1. Thank you, hope you had a good Christmas day.

      1. yes I did thank you!! 🙂

  5. That’s kinda awesome! Lol!!

    1. Thanks. I giggled somewhat doing these 🙂

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